Astro Reading Self-Check

Do have a look at the list below for a quick self-check regarding your current state in life. If any statement resonates with you and is something you have been unable to gain clarity about, find solutions for, or transform into peaceful pleasure and power, then a chart reading may be just what you need. Of course wanting a reading out of sheer fascination and curiosity of your luscious love affair with the cosmos is also a delectable option!
Astro Reading

I want to deepen my understanding of my authentic nature and discover unknown treasures within!

I have been living with chronic anxiety and/or depression and I don't want to spend years in therapy healing from it

I have trouble finding and sustaining a romantic relationship that I desire and is loving

I had a difficult childhood which is a wound I am still dealing with, I would like to transcend this so it no longer is an obstacle/disturbance for me

I am unsure of what kind of work/career would be fulfilling for me

I am confused about a relationship I am in and need to understand if there really is enriching and joyful potential in this bond

I struggle with one or more of the following: hair loss, weight issues, menstrual issues, low energy, poor sex drive, and unstable moods

I suffer from chronic bloating, irregular bowel movements, abdominal pain and I want to heal my digestive function to eat and live peacefully

I don't know what my purpose is, I struggle to find meaning in how I spend my life, I feel an inner ache that I can’'t understand

Fear holds me back in my pursuits or aspirations, I would like a deeper understanding of what it stems from & a clear path towards eliminating it

I have obsessive and/or compulsive thought patterns which I would like to free myself from

I have a lot of anger/irritation I either find difficult to control or that I feel very often, I want to release this and experience lasting, stable tranquility

I have struggled for many years with body image issues and have an unhealthy relationship with food

Feelings of low self esteem and self worth have plagued me for so long and I want to develop a beautiful, loving relationship with my Self

  • I have been living with chronic anxiety and/or depression and I don’t want to spend years healing from it
  • I have trouble finding and sustaining a love relationship that I desire
  • I had a difficult childhood which is a wound I am still dealing with, I would like to transcend this so it no longer is an obstacle/disturbance for me
  • I am unsure of what kind of work/career would be fulfilling for me
  • I am confused about a relationship I am in and need to understand if there really is enriching and joyful potential in this bond
  • I struggle with one or more of the following: hair loss, weight issues, menstrual issues, low energy, poor sex drive, and unstable moods
  • I suffer from bloating, abdominal pain, irregular bowel movements
  • I have poor sleep and disturbing dreams, I rarely feel rested
  • I don’t know what my purpose is, I struggle to find meaning in how I spend my life, there is an ache in me for something I don’t know what is
  • Fear is a great adversary for me in my pursuits or aspirations, and I would like a deeper understanding of what it stems from and a clear path towards eliminating it
  • I have obsessive and/or compulsive thought patterns which I would like to free myself from
  • I have a lot of anger/irritation I either find difficult to control or that I feel very often, I want to release this and experience lasting, stable tranquility
  • I have struggled for many years with body image issues and have an unhealthy relationship with food
  • Feelings of low self esteem and self worth have plagued me for so very long and I want to develop a beautiful, loving relationship with my Self.
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