Inner Feminine / Masculine Reading

Everything and everyone embodies both feminine and masculine energy, and when they function in synergy, creative expression is perfect. When they are able to flow freely and equally, anything we engage with is through a smooth and harmonious process with abundant outcome. This option is for exploring how these principles express themselves in your chart, where and how feminine and masculine aspects of the psyche, the body, childhood experiences, relationships, sexuality, inspiration, ambition, and more play out and how to restore and strengthen them so they are in optimal form. This facilitates a connection to one’s natural nature, as the balance between the feminine and the masculine is what all of Creation dances around. When one aspect is dominant, the other is often suppressed and remains undiscovered. Exhaustion from constantly striving, depression from lacking direction/drive, overt aggression, difficulty in self-assertion, functioning without inspiration, sexual issues, loneliness, anxiety, confusion or misery in romantic relationships are some of the most common symptoms of imbalance. By discovering the particular and unique way that these energies are most easily and spontaneously expressed for you and by revealing how the inner feminine and masculine may have been distorted and wounded, we heal and unleash the power that lies within you in its lovingly unified state.

A deeper dive into the elements, asteroids, and pre-patriarchal archetypes in addition to the rest of the chart elucidates how to best harness the creative force within which manifests your visions and desires, and fulfills your needs.

$200 USD
180 Minutes


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