Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reading

IBS is a chronic, neglected, and largely misunderstood affliction of the digestive system. Whilst diet and physiology are involved with the symptoms, they are not the triggers of the condition. IBS is a physical expression of anxiety, and the source of the psycho-emotional state is entirely individual. How your gut-brain axis expresses itself is something we explore together to understand what your gut is trying to communicate to you through symptoms of pain, bloating, diarrhoea/constipation, overall irregularity and discomfort. Each physical symptom is an outward manifestation of energetic imbalance within, which is regulated by thoughts and feelings. Your astrological chart provides insight into the development of your condition through certain experiences and subconscious conditioning, and therefore provides a path to healing with a specificity that is attuned to your individual needs. By shifting perspectives not just on health and the physical body but on memories, experiences, and circumstances, the gut is allowed and encouraged to self-heal and restore its natural function. Healthy digestion lies at the crux of healthy living, and when basic nourishment and detoxification of our tissues is interrupted, a variety of dysfunction may ensue. This reading can therefore transform much more than just how the tummy feels, once harmony between body, mind, and spirit is achieved. Mercury, Uranus, Chiron, Neptune, the signs, planets, and houses relevant to the problem are given precedence. As well as assessing the chart, guidelines for nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle practices will be provided. By combining my astrological and medical knowledge a unique treatment protocol is provided for you.

$300 USD

210 Minutes


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