Manifestational Astrology

Through the gift of Astrology I work to liberate and empower each individual so they can consciously transform their lives. I use Archetypal Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology, and the principles of Alchemy to unearth the deliciousness of a fellow being. The key force underlying these schools of thought is intentional transformation. There is creative and dynamic intention in the birth chart, for one’s unfolding journey, and my intention is to collaborate with you to recognize and embody that with joy.

I specifically employ the mirror principle in understanding how to navigate circumstances and conditions. There is nothing outside or separate from the self and our charts, everything we experience is a reflection of the energy we hold, and it is from that perspective we move from healing to playing the Game of Life.

There is however a range of possible manifestations of each chart, from distorted and painful experiences to sublime, blissful experiences, and this depends entirely on the state of our consciousness. In order to make choices that invite harmonious, delightful living, we need to know and feel like we are absolutely free to do so. This is easier said than done, and the horoscope illuminates which parts of our psyche prevent, restrict, or get in the way of manifesting the lives we desire and align with our natural, playful, and unique expression of energy.

What is often referred to as challenging positions or aspects in the chart is actually due to energy in adherence to the false matrix.

As long as we naturalize fear, lack, scarcity, doubt, guilt, shame, pride, and limitation in our consciousness we will experience situations that reflect that. Freeing ourselves from these unnatural notions is key to embracing the true beauty of our potential, as witnessed in the birth chart, through EVERY SINGLE POSITION OF PERFECTION.

True nature of everything in the Universe is easeful, smooth, loving, generous, expansive, and supportive, and when we operate from this perspective, every chart, every individual, is able to transform their lives into the one desired. By delving into individual subconscious programming and working towards cleansing the mind of false beliefs and then nurturing it according to the guidance of the birth chart, manifestation becomes specific, accelerated, and simplified.

It is societal conditioning, not Natural Law, that enourages perceiving anything as superior or inferior, fortunate or unfortunate, beneficial or harmful, thus strengthening the concept of separation through judgment, which fuels dis-eased living. I do not define anything as malefic, in detriment, or in fall.

Every position, aspect, and planetary sign is perfectly designed for the wonderfully complex entity that is you.

Energetic balance lies at the core of health on every plane. Essential to my work is the embracing of duality in everything, and balancing polarities to find that sweet point of unity and wholeness.

Even in much of modern Astrology there is a lack of balance in the feminine and masculine principles. After millennia of destruction, distortion, and appropriation of what once belonged to the Great Mother or Divine Feminine, we are living with the consequences of imbalance in every form, from the Earth to the psyche.

Restitution of the feminine principle is crucial. I therefore work with feminine and pre-patriarchal deities/mythology when interpreting the chart, in addition to traditionally known rulership.

The instinct to inspire creation, to strengthen it through nourishment, to magnetize and savor abundance, belongs to the feminine.

The intuitive wisdom of birth, death, and rebirth as the natural and necessary order of every aspect of life belongs to the feminine. These attributes within each of us animate desire, growth, yield, and release, and sustain this perpetual cycle with a gentle force.

It is the natural antidote to the energies of striving, chasing, suppression, and stagnation, and the consequential atrophy of the collective through each hurt individual. The approach of integrating feminine wisdom provides greater richness and greater ease, to every astrological archetype, in their myriad manifestations.

The physical constitution, symptoms/conditions, diet and lifestyle practices are an important part of my readings as there is no experience bereft of the unconditionally loving genius of the physical body.

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