Divine Child Readings

This reading is for parents looking to improve/nourish the lived experience of their children (of any age), their relationship with their children, and family dynamics. It is especially beneficial for children with psycho-emotional issues, diagnosed as on the spectrum, or appear to have behavioural/learning difficulties. The natal chart illuminates what kind of parenting is best suited for each individual child, and how to create an environment that is truly healing, supportive, and loving with a specificity to the unique path to the child’s blossoming.

Knowing the horoscope of one’s child is one of the greatest gifts to parenthood, childhood, and ultimately the child’s adulthood.
We do not come in as a blank slate to be written upon by sheer circumstance, but as creations beautifully designed to discover and express energy and consciousness uniquely, authentically, and joyfully. Without the knowledge of astrology the family, environment, and sociocultural conditions one is born into triggers the unfolding of the inherent design in particular ways that may or may not support its optimal expression. Once we reach an age or state of consciousness that enables us to independently take responsibility for our lived experience, there is often much that needs to be unlearned and reconditioned in order to align ourselves to a life path that is natural, easeful, loving, healthy, and abundant in the ways we truly want and need.

Parents are the custodians of not just a body and a mind but a Soul that has entered this world many times, and carries with them the experiences of these lives. There is pain, trauma, glory, failure, love, loss, strength, vulnerability, pride, pleasure, shame, wisdom, guilt, joy – an abundance of memories stored energetically in body and mind that for most children cannot rise into awareness and be directly understood. Instead these aspects are expressed through behaviours/symptoms entirely directed by the subconscious mind.
A person’s subconscious patterns, fear-based tendencies, energetic blockages, any energetic distortion is described in the natal chart, providing parents with the information needed to actively heal, support, and help to free a child from these internal conditions.
The natural skills, strengths, interests, needs, and desires of a child are also illuminated, making it easier for a parent to understand their children’s authentic pleasures and talents, in order to encourage and nurture their naturally creative energy.

Understanding the underlying purpose of the chart gives parents a golden key to hold the vibration that establishes a foundation for the child to most easefully step into versions of their Cosmic Design that are beautiful to live. Parents realise through this reading that the true lineage of their child does not come through genetic inheritance, but through their Soul inheritance. This liberates parents from attachment to expectations of their children based on their own notions of success, abundance, security, and happiness, and facilitates family dynamics that are wonderfully supportive, playful, and harmonious.
The aspects of the child that initially appeared as problematic are understood as gateways to expansion for both the child and the parents, a catalyst for transformation and empowerment that reveal the treasure hidden within the child, which requires loving assistance to unleash.

This reading is one that initiates profound acceptance, wholeness, true connection, and deeper loving which is equally healing and enriching for parents as for children.

$150 USD


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