Jupiter in Taurus:
An education in the nature of pleasure

After whizzing through firecracker Aries, giving us just enough time to get bearings on the urgency of our intentions for the next cycle, larger than life Jupiter has entered Venus-ruled Taurus, the sign of slow, sensual satisfaction. With care we gather our high quality materials and begin to build our fragrant yet sturdy, sensible yet sultry kingdoms. Having been inspired and guided (sometimes forcefully) by the transitions over the last year, we have new and precious clarity in direction. Jupiter, the Great Enhancer of anything he touches, has a very interesting journey from when he commences his Taurus year on May 16th 2023, ending on May 25th 2024. Those with Taurus, the other fixed (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn) in prominent positions, will feel his presence closely.

Taurus is strong, enduring, independent abundance. In the outer world it is associated with money, assets, land, produce, property, visible beauty and luxury, and in the inner realm it represents the substance of the Self, a value and worth that cannot be measured. True Taurus sits in this knowing of natural abundance as an immutable state of life, and therefore is a Divine Magnet for abundance in tangible form.

There is no question of deservedness, entitlement, or any such mental nonsense. Indulging in the earthly delights is a birthright, it is Natural Law. Sustaining these responsibly whether the source is land, beast, or human is a birth privilege. Where there is Venus, there must be love, so all engagement with all that is Taurean must be born from and handled with love. When it is not, opposing Scorpio will unleash its force of transformation through unscheduled rituals of searing intensity in order to purify any sullied intentions.

With Pluto in Aquarius squaring the Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, this version of events is making itself known globally in politics, in media, in economy, in the environment. As soon as Jupiter entered Taurus, it joined a fixed Grand Cross with Mars in Leo, Pluto, and the Nodes. We will have to wait a little for the glorious crowned celebration with forest nymphs, wine, and sweetmeats that comes to mind with Jupiter in Taurus. It will come, fret not. This alignment however, began with an energetic bootcamp of sorts, especially for those with the fixed signs in high energy aspects. In a place of forced tightness, a loud cry for purposeful movement could be heard from within. A movement made by choosing to release resistance. Whilst this area of our consciousness has been simmering, a certain strength of feeling emanating from sufficient charge to catalyse the desired transformation had to be generated.
During the weeks leading up to June, where was the density and rigidity of the redundant realised? For what was a newfound boldness mounting, having been smitten by authenticity? The power of the pause in this moment had a rare richness to it, filling us up with a deep affection for regions of ourselves never before witnessed in quite the same way. There was an invitation for gratitude for the complexities of life, ever shaping us and our ability to create into greater beauty. This means that we begin the Jupiter journey through Taurus with a mature respect for due process and an initiation into receptivity, the quintessential nature of Venus, and the natural consequence of ceasing to resist. Although multiple signs, planets, and aspects were involved, and a T-square between Jupiter, Pluto, and the Nodes continued for longer, Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus emphasized something ultimately simple.
We just want to feel good at the end of it all. About ourselves, our relationships, our work, our health, our wealth, our leisure, our planet. We want to know pleasure, we want it to last, and we want more of it. It is more than alright it is now absolutely essential to want more, to commit to more, for that is how we all contribute to a planet of pleasure for all. By firstly honoring what that feels like and understanding that deservedness is irrelevant, it is not only natural to covet pleasure it is also sacred, for desire is the inspiration for all Creation. Also, Taurus is not always plush pillows and shiny bank accounts. It can be a quiet cabin in the woods, the earth work of a farmer, singers and dancers whose only possession of value is their voice, their body. No matter how it is expressed, it is stripped of convolution and explanation, it is bare, natural, easeful. It is the state of absolute comfort in being human, by embodying enoughness. Which is pleasure by virtue of presence. Taurus embodies presence, in what is. Jupiter leaves no doubt in this matter as he magnifies anything he touches, and together with the North Node the message is clear: give yourself to building a state of consciousness (hence a life) that endows you with the feeling of pleasure by relying on your ability to allow it in, savouring all that you are, and release anything that prevents you from doing so. Your quality of presence is your destiny. He is here now to support and educate us in the greater meaning of this work with trunks of goodwill (every planet is goodwilled) and the booming echoes of his cheer through the ethers can be felt in our heartstrings.
I don’t really feel compelled to deliver warnings of overindulgence and laziness that are associated with Taurus going over the top along with the fact that Jupiter is the King of over the topness, but there you have it. It is always a possibility with any sign and any planet, to exaggerate certain aspects and cause imbalance, so please don’t. Be mindful of complacency, take care of your resources in any form, remember independence does not mean disconnecting from others, and harness the practical, thorough, yield oriented approach Taurus has to offer in every endeavour, and saunter along arm in arm with gorgeous Venus and magnificent Jupiter. May we all receive and share their abundance as never before. The forest nymphs? We’ll go to that party as he ends his journey conjuncting the Queen of the Heavens on May 23rd, 2024. Fabulous!
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