
I recently had a reading from Radhika. I must say, I am utterly shocked and stunned by the accuracy and depth of the information she shared during the session. Radhika’s extensive knowledge and genuine passion for the subject, created an experience that I will never forget. What truly amazed me was the accuracy of her insights. From the very beginning, it was as if she knew me better than I knew myself. She revealed details about my personality, strengths, and challenges. It was like she was reading my soul. Radhika also explained the relationships between the planets and how they relate to important events in my life, enabling me to understand the powerful cosmic influences involved. The knowledge she shared left me astonished and offered valuable guidance for my future. If you are seeking guidance, clarity, or simply an enlightening experience, I highly recommend Radhika. Her talent, professionalism, and exceptional knowledge of astrology make her an invaluable resource. Prepare to be amazed.

” I’m fresh from reading and I’m thrilled, I think this session gave me more than years of therapy. It gave me a broader perspective, hope and guidance. I took 6 pages of notes, many things surprised me, many things made me understand why certain patterns repeated in my life, many things I felt strongly about me and my life. Radhika has great astrological knowledge but also great empathy and intuition as well as knowledge from other fields/training so she gets right to the heart of the matter. She also has a great sense of humor, making the message very interesting and memorable, absolutely not a boring cosmogram interpetation. I got understanding, great support, specific guidance, hope, motivation to change what I no longer want in my life. This session is my step towards knowing myself and towards a happy life. Radhika from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much. “

“I recently had a reading with Radhika.

It was a great experience that opened doors I had no clue existed. Firstly it was both scary and exiting how well she already “knew me” based on the charts. Everything she mentioned concerning me, my traits, relationships, family and friend were astonishingly precise. She was very well prepared and it seemed like everything I said made perfect sense to her. This proved her professionalism.

Radhika is really sweet and warm, and made sure I felt comfortable during the entire session. There was a constant positive energy in the room, much by her focusing on the unleashed potential in me. It made me feel very grateful.

I would highly recommend Radhika as an astrologer. As for myself, I know I’ll come back.”


“I have no experience with astrology and this reading with Radhika was such a special surprise. So much about my past and my inner life resonated, I am so amazed and impressed by astrology and more importantly how she works with it and explains it. She puts so much energy and love into every word and I came away feeling strange and rejuvenated at the same time.

For a long time I felt like life was stagnant, hopeless. She opened me up to the beauty and power in myself, and the possibility and promise that life actually is, which is an entirely new concept for me.”


“The reading with Radhika felt so on point and fruitful to me. She had an insight into aspects of myself that I had previously felt and touched upon, but by highlighting these and also by shedding light on other aspects, she provided a powerful boost and motivation for who I am, what my life is, and what opportunities I have. I’ve felt so seen throughout this experience with her.”


“For the last few years, nothing has been working in my favor. No matter what I did, it has felt like failure. By nature, I’m an optimist, but I started falling into a depression. I didn’t really believe in astrology. When a friend mentioned that Radhika’s take on astrology is completely different from traditional astrology, and she shows the unique path of every individual, I was curious.

She conveyed everything with kindness as well as clarity, and I realized how I was working against myself and how to set a far better version for the future.This helped me in fixing and adjusting my habits, my thinking tendencies, my emotions. I’m still working on myself, but my attitude has changed so much and I’m no longer depressed! I look forward to what lies ahead and my next reading with her.”


“Where should I begin? I believe that on our way we meet the right people who guide us and make us aware of our lives. Radhika came at the right time in my life and I’m incredibly grateful for that, and for her. Her unique approach and amazing dedication helped me find myself and my life path, with precision. Her way of presenting myself to myself through astrology was so amazing and touched on my deepest personal thoughts and feelings which I had struggled with on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in astrology or not, within a few minutes of a reading with Radhika, it will change your perspective and attitude towards the world on the inside as well as the outside. I encourage anyone to find a moment for themselves and try out her gift. Trust me, you will come out changed.”


“Where should I begin? I believe that on our way we meet the right people who guide us and make us aware of our lives. Radhika came at the right time in my life This reading changed my life! I’ve been struggling with IBS for 20 years, I’ve tried restrictive diets, supplements, probiotics, I’ve consulted with Western doctors and Ayurvedic doctors, I’ve done yoga and meditated, and still whatever relief I experienced was temporary. My symptoms were completely dependent on what I ate and under somewhat control as long as I was taking some kind of medicative treatment, and even then I couldn’t count on my digestive system to be smooth running. Radhika completely shifted the perspective on my condition, she revealed the incredible connection between my mind, my feelings, and my body, but very particularly relating to my memories and life experiences. Things I never realized as part of what developed this condition and most importantly how to transform my thinking and reactive patterns have resulted in me being symptom free for months now! Her medical background and her unique way of working with astrology, with my personal energy type has been utterly eye opening not just for the IBS, but for my relationships, my work, my overall wellbeing. She is a magician! She also provided me with nutritional guidelines including herbal remedies to be followed for a limited period of time, and I’m beyond grateful for all of it. This is worth so much more than the price, honestly. I used to dream of being able to eat whatever I wanted and not have to think twice about it, and now I can. Thank you so, so much Radhika!!”


“I did the relationship reading with Radhika and I was stunned. Everything I thought being in a relationship was about was so limited and confused. I didn’t realize a relationship has its own purpose, its own wants and needs and that the two partners need to understand that. I always thought it’s about the couple understanding each other and compromising, trying to make each other happy. Radhika first of all made me realize that I didn’t understand what happiness meant for me personally, and what my experiences in love had been about. She showed me what my past was really about, and it was incredible how right she was about my feelings, responses, tendencies. She is so patient and professional, but also very loving in the way she explains everything. After the reading I was able to think about things and let go of many old ways of viewing people, partnership, and what it means to love. Because of that the problems I was having with my girlfriend of 4 years became very clear, and we were able to move past them and now we are in a totally different place! I thought we might have to break up and now we are like two new people, we have moved, changed jobs, and we are in love. And the best part is making these changes wasn’t difficult, it felt natural. I, we are so lucky we found Radhika, and I wish her so much luck and happiness in her life too, because she will help so many people to change their lives completely.”


“After years of difficult relationships and painful breakups I had given up on finding love. I felt hopeless and that happy love stories are for other people, not me. I was low grade depressed because when I was younger I was sure life meant having great love, and I had come to feel defeated by life. Then I did readings with Radhika and nothing has ever been more therapeutic or transformative for me. Her deep knowledge of astrology and the human condition made it for the first time easy to understand my story from a new perspective. I went from thinking I was a collection of sad experiences and unworthy of love to realizing that it was all a result of false beliefs and conditioning that had manifested these experiences. She gently made me see what the pain was coming from and why certain things kept repeating, and gave very clear guidance and instructions for how to change all that from the core. I no longer blame anyone including myself, regret anything, or believe that happy relationship is impossible. Radhika has shown me a totally new way of seeing myself, how beautiful and interesting we are underneath so much nonsense we have been taught by society, family, media, etc. These truths helped me to jump out of that dark, hopeless state and remember how romantic and passionate I am, how special my dreams and desires are. Two months after the reading I am dating someone amazing and for the first time I feel safe, relaxed, and am just enjoying them in my life, but also I am enjoying my own new self. Radhika is simply extraordinary!”

“I’m a single mother of an autistic boy aged 10 and decided to do this reading because I felt like we needed more than the weekly therapy sessions that have helped to manage his temper and tantrums, but limit him to the definition of him as autistic. This reading with Radhika blew me away because she opened me up to understand so much about the reasons for my son’s extraordinary energy and how to help him channel it for what is natural for him, which makes it so much easier for him and me to maintain a delightful mood. She made me realize the divinity in this so called condition and the power of my energy influencing him according to how I think of him. As soon as I became more peaceful and less worried he became calmer and less demanding of my attention. My son is more communicative and open than ever before. Radhika gave us dietary suggestions, meditative and breathing practices, audio and vibration attunement links as well as teaching me fundaments of how energy works which has changed our family life as well as my own! She has so much knowledge spanning different fields and is an absolute treasure. I’m beyond grateful to her loving nature and wisdom and to astrology. It’s really a must have manual for parents.

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